A Psalm For Women

A Psalm For Women

“Shalom, daughters of God!

Your Father is pleased with you.

How good it is to be called to serve in the household of God.

Thus saith the Lord, ‘Give flesh to the Word of life,

break the bread of justice,

feed all who hunger to take their place at the table.

Lift the cup of freedom filled with the saving blood of Christ who lived and died for us all.

The Child of God was born of woman,

God first chose a woman to lead the opening liturgy of the Incarnate Word.

Now every woman ever after shares in the ministry of the women of Galilee.

Now is the day of deliverance.

Now is the appointed time.

You are the good news God proclaims…

women, claim your freedom,

 live your sacred calling

… you are daughters of God.”

WomanWord (Adapted)

2 thoughts on “A Psalm For Women

  1. You are very welcome hmphz, and thank you for your gracious words and for reading along….I’ll be checking out your blog too….be blessed!


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